The last Russian attack on American soil?
David Dastych - After my analysis was published on the CFP on Sunday, February 24, “Russians Suspected in Shooting of Kremlin Critic Near D.C.” and Nachrichten Heute, a Reader from Texas e-mailed me with this message: “Actually it was his genitals that were blown off and Bush knew about it and called Putin on it. He got Russian support for UN sanctions against Iran and a promise not to shoot anymore of Americans. Wanna see doc Wheeler's take on it? Let me know. Dan South Texas.” I asked him for Dr. Wheeler’s opinions and I got them today.
Let me quote from two articles written by Paul Joyal’s longtime friend, Dr. Jack Wheeler. The first was published almost a year ago, on March 7, 2007, and was entitled “What’s Dhimmitude in Russian?”
What means “dhimmitude”? It’s a Moslem term used for infidels and it means "behavior dictated by fear, pacifism when aggressed (against) rather than resistance, servility because of cowardice and vulnerability." This was exactly like some U.S. officials and the Main Stream Media reacted to the attempt on Paul Joyal’s life to appease the Kremlin.
“There is no word in Russian corresponding to dhimmitude - but there needs to be”, wrote Dr. Wheeler. “As I am writing this, a friend of mine for many years is fighting for his life in a hospital nearby, having been gunned down in his driveway for criticizing the leader of the world's most powerful mafia, Vladimir Putin. On nationally televised "Dateline NBC" February 25, [2007], intelligence expert Paul Joyal accused Putin's secret police of poisoning former KGB agent Aleksander Litvinenko with radioactive polonium in London last November. Putin's message in so doing, Joyal explained, was a warning: "To anyone who wants to speak out against the Kremlin: If you do, no matter who you are, where you are, we will find you, and we will silence you - in the most horrible way possible." Four days later on March 1st, Putin's thugs - right here in Washington - did just that. They silenced Paul Joyal in the most horrible way possible. They blew his balls off. Media reports are that he was shot "in the groin," or "in the lower abdomen."
How delicately phrased. Neither the media nor the Bush White House wants the truth clearly reported (…) The response of the Bush Administration has been to pretend it was a common robbery, to avoid embarrassing Russia's gangster-president. George Bush has decided to be in fearful subservience to the Kremlin. Every effort has been made to squelch the truth of what happened to Paul Joyal on the night of March the 1st (…)”
“Spiking the story of Kremlin terrorism upon an American citizen in Washington DC was made more difficult, however, when the very next day after the attack on Joyal, Putin's thugs murdered a Russian critic of their boss in Moscow. Ivan Safronov, the military affairs writer for the Russian magazine Kommersant, was thrown out of a fifth-floor window of his apartment building (he lived on the third floor). Two female students saw his body land and called emergency services to say he was still alive. They were told to call back in 30 minutes if he was still moving.
By that time he was dead. The police reported it as a suicide. Safronov was completing a story about Putin's weapons sales to Syria and Iran. It would have created "a huge international scandal" for the FSB - Federal Security Service, the renamed KGB - according to Kommersant's editor. So FSB/KGB thugs with Putin's approval, murdered him. Just like they murdered Anna Politkovskaya, author of the critical book, Putin's Russia, gunning her down in her Moscow apartment building on October 7, 2006. Just like they have murdered a dozen other journalists since Putin came to power in May of 2000 (..)”
Dr. Wheeler concluded: “If George Bush has become Putin's dhimmi, it would be a geopolitical disaster, a horrendous disaster for American national security. Thanks to Putin, Russia has become our enemy once again. Putin easily has the capacity to be more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden, if he is not already.”
But in the second article, published on March 16, 2007, “Your Prayers Might Have Worked”, Dr. Jack Wheeler admits that the Bush Administration had taken some steps to prevent further Russian “revenge” actions on American soil.
“As of today (Thursday 3/15), Paul is still in intensive care. He has begun to talk, but only physically, not lucidly - he can make sounds but not any sense. To be in this state after two weeks shows how horrible the attack on him was by the Kremlin-hired gunmen. And now, two weeks later, I know why the Bush White House has been quiet about it. Since the attack on Joyal, not only has Russia signed on to the latest round of UN sanctions on Iran, but has delayed completion of Iran's nuclear power plant in Bushehr. Granted, the sanctions are weak - but the delay at Bushehr is anything but. The Russian technicians who are building the plant have already gone back home.
The terrorist act committed upon Paul Joyal is not the sole cause of this but contributed to it. Let's say it was the catalyst (…)”
“Bush made it very clear to Pootie-Poot after the attack on Paul Joyal: There will never ever be an attack on one of your critics on American soil again - and you better offer me something worth my keeping quiet about it. The attack on Joyal was on March 1st. Bush communicated with Putin on March 6th. The Russian announcement ceasing deliveries to Bushehr came on March 12th. So just maybe, Bush has decided not to be Putin's dhimmi after all.
Perhaps it is even of some solace to Paul Joyal that his testicles served to halt, however temporarily, the development of Iranian nukes.”
One year after Paul Joyal was fatally shot, probably by Russian intelligence paid gunmen, there are to be held “free” elections in Russia to choose a new President, who has been already “pre-elected” by President Vladimir Putin. Will these elections be rigged? Perhaps in part. But this might not be necessary as the huge propaganda machine developed under the rule of Putin might convince the Russian voters that Dmitry Medvedev will be their best choice. And what about Putin? He might become Prime Minister in the next government or retire to enjoy the wealth he had amassed as President of the Russian Federation. Some media sources report Vladimir Putin is worth about $ 40 billion. True or not, he is one of the richest men in a poor country – Russia.
As the so called “siloviki” (members of the Russian secret services) are in fact ruling that huge continent-sized country, we might still expect a continuation of their methods, so well demonstrated by a spectacular murder of Alexander Litvinenko. Beware of the wolves in sheepskin then.
Russians Suspected in Shooting of Kremlin Critic Near D.C.
This article was first published at Canada Free Press
David Dastych is a former Polish intelligence operative, who served in the 1960s-1980s and was a double agent for the CIA from 1973 until his arrest in 1987 by then-communist Poland on charges of espionage. Now he is an international journalist, who writes for Poland's acclaimed weekly, WPROST, Canada Free Press, and The Polish Panorama (Canada), Ocnus Net (Britain), FrontPageMagazine and The New Media Journal (USA), Axis Information and Analysis (international), Nachrichten Heute (Switzerland), (Russia), and runs his own David’s Media Agency.
Let me quote from two articles written by Paul Joyal’s longtime friend, Dr. Jack Wheeler. The first was published almost a year ago, on March 7, 2007, and was entitled “What’s Dhimmitude in Russian?”
What means “dhimmitude”? It’s a Moslem term used for infidels and it means "behavior dictated by fear, pacifism when aggressed (against) rather than resistance, servility because of cowardice and vulnerability." This was exactly like some U.S. officials and the Main Stream Media reacted to the attempt on Paul Joyal’s life to appease the Kremlin.
“There is no word in Russian corresponding to dhimmitude - but there needs to be”, wrote Dr. Wheeler. “As I am writing this, a friend of mine for many years is fighting for his life in a hospital nearby, having been gunned down in his driveway for criticizing the leader of the world's most powerful mafia, Vladimir Putin. On nationally televised "Dateline NBC" February 25, [2007], intelligence expert Paul Joyal accused Putin's secret police of poisoning former KGB agent Aleksander Litvinenko with radioactive polonium in London last November. Putin's message in so doing, Joyal explained, was a warning: "To anyone who wants to speak out against the Kremlin: If you do, no matter who you are, where you are, we will find you, and we will silence you - in the most horrible way possible." Four days later on March 1st, Putin's thugs - right here in Washington - did just that. They silenced Paul Joyal in the most horrible way possible. They blew his balls off. Media reports are that he was shot "in the groin," or "in the lower abdomen."
How delicately phrased. Neither the media nor the Bush White House wants the truth clearly reported (…) The response of the Bush Administration has been to pretend it was a common robbery, to avoid embarrassing Russia's gangster-president. George Bush has decided to be in fearful subservience to the Kremlin. Every effort has been made to squelch the truth of what happened to Paul Joyal on the night of March the 1st (…)”
“Spiking the story of Kremlin terrorism upon an American citizen in Washington DC was made more difficult, however, when the very next day after the attack on Joyal, Putin's thugs murdered a Russian critic of their boss in Moscow. Ivan Safronov, the military affairs writer for the Russian magazine Kommersant, was thrown out of a fifth-floor window of his apartment building (he lived on the third floor). Two female students saw his body land and called emergency services to say he was still alive. They were told to call back in 30 minutes if he was still moving.
By that time he was dead. The police reported it as a suicide. Safronov was completing a story about Putin's weapons sales to Syria and Iran. It would have created "a huge international scandal" for the FSB - Federal Security Service, the renamed KGB - according to Kommersant's editor. So FSB/KGB thugs with Putin's approval, murdered him. Just like they murdered Anna Politkovskaya, author of the critical book, Putin's Russia, gunning her down in her Moscow apartment building on October 7, 2006. Just like they have murdered a dozen other journalists since Putin came to power in May of 2000 (..)”
Dr. Wheeler concluded: “If George Bush has become Putin's dhimmi, it would be a geopolitical disaster, a horrendous disaster for American national security. Thanks to Putin, Russia has become our enemy once again. Putin easily has the capacity to be more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden, if he is not already.”
But in the second article, published on March 16, 2007, “Your Prayers Might Have Worked”, Dr. Jack Wheeler admits that the Bush Administration had taken some steps to prevent further Russian “revenge” actions on American soil.
“As of today (Thursday 3/15), Paul is still in intensive care. He has begun to talk, but only physically, not lucidly - he can make sounds but not any sense. To be in this state after two weeks shows how horrible the attack on him was by the Kremlin-hired gunmen. And now, two weeks later, I know why the Bush White House has been quiet about it. Since the attack on Joyal, not only has Russia signed on to the latest round of UN sanctions on Iran, but has delayed completion of Iran's nuclear power plant in Bushehr. Granted, the sanctions are weak - but the delay at Bushehr is anything but. The Russian technicians who are building the plant have already gone back home.
The terrorist act committed upon Paul Joyal is not the sole cause of this but contributed to it. Let's say it was the catalyst (…)”
“Bush made it very clear to Pootie-Poot after the attack on Paul Joyal: There will never ever be an attack on one of your critics on American soil again - and you better offer me something worth my keeping quiet about it. The attack on Joyal was on March 1st. Bush communicated with Putin on March 6th. The Russian announcement ceasing deliveries to Bushehr came on March 12th. So just maybe, Bush has decided not to be Putin's dhimmi after all.
Perhaps it is even of some solace to Paul Joyal that his testicles served to halt, however temporarily, the development of Iranian nukes.”
One year after Paul Joyal was fatally shot, probably by Russian intelligence paid gunmen, there are to be held “free” elections in Russia to choose a new President, who has been already “pre-elected” by President Vladimir Putin. Will these elections be rigged? Perhaps in part. But this might not be necessary as the huge propaganda machine developed under the rule of Putin might convince the Russian voters that Dmitry Medvedev will be their best choice. And what about Putin? He might become Prime Minister in the next government or retire to enjoy the wealth he had amassed as President of the Russian Federation. Some media sources report Vladimir Putin is worth about $ 40 billion. True or not, he is one of the richest men in a poor country – Russia.
As the so called “siloviki” (members of the Russian secret services) are in fact ruling that huge continent-sized country, we might still expect a continuation of their methods, so well demonstrated by a spectacular murder of Alexander Litvinenko. Beware of the wolves in sheepskin then.

sfux - 29. Feb, 08:00 Article 7237x read