9/11: "Fünf tanzende Israelis" von US-Regierung gesponsert
World Content News - Unfassbar: Das Umzugsunternehmen Urban Moving Systems, dessen Mitarbeiter am 11. September 2001 dadurch auffielen, dass sie die brennenden Türme des World Trade Centers filmten und dazu jubelten und tanzten, erhielt drei Monate vor den Anschlägen von der US-Regierung offenbar eine Zuwendung von einer halben Million Dollar, dies weist jedenfalls die offizielle Website einer Watchdog-Organisation namens FedSpending.org aus.
Der Inhaber der mutmaßlichen Mossad-Tarnfirma wurde nach den Anschlägen vom FBI ob des seltsamen Verhaltens zunächst "befragt" (He was stripped to his underwear; he was blindfolded and questioned for 14 hours), setzte sich aber anschließend nach Israel ab. Dominik O. Suter wurde daraufhin weltweit unter diesen Merkmalen gesucht:
Suter, Dominik
28 Harlow Crescent Rd. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410;
312 Pavonia Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07302;
15000 Dickens Suite 11 Sherman Oaks, CA
DoB:1970, SSAN-No. 129-78-0926
Levinson, Ornit / alias Suter, Ornit
28 Harlow Crescent Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410;
312 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07302;
15000 Dickens Ste 11, Sherman Oaks, CA
DoB:1970, SSAN-No. 122-78-0232
Ob das eine oder zwei verschiedene Personen sind, ist unklar.
(Source: FBI Suspect List, 22.05.2002)
"Das Ereignis dokumentiert": Auftritt im israelischen Fernsehen (Quelle: ralph-kutza.de, related Video hier)
Über das fröhliche Treiben der arabisch gekleideten Israelis berichtete der frühere CIA-Agent Philip Giraldi erst kürzlich:
"The celebration came 16 minutes after the first plane struck, when no one knew that there had been a terrorist attack and the episode was assumed to be a horrible accident." (Quelle)
Das FBI hatte in diesem Zusammenhang drei Tage nach dem 11. September für den Flughafen Newark einen Großalarm ausgelöst:
"About a dozen plainclothes officers, including investigators from the Bergen County Sheriff's Department, entered Urban Moving Systems at about 8 p.m. and began snapping pictures. " (Quelle: AP)
Die fünf Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens wurden mehrere Monate in zwei Gefängnissen in New Jersey festgehalten und anschließend abgeschoben. Sie sollen sich illegal und ohne Arbeitserlaubnis in den USA aufgehalten haben. Man geht davon aus, dass sie für den israelischen Geheimdienst Mossad spionierten.
Die US-Regierung blockte bisher alles ab, was im zeitlichen Umfeld des 9/11 mit möglichen israelischen Aktivitäten zusammen hing. Fox News musste einen Beitrag wieder aus dem Programm nehmen, der sich damit befasste, der Artikel wurde aus dem Web entfernt (Archivierte Version hier).
Jetzt jubeln und tanzen die Kritiker in den USA, die der offiziellen Regierungsversion von Anfang an keinen Glauben schenkten.
Bei der Zuwendung handelt es sich um ein Darlehen, bei einem Auftrag hätte angesichts der stattlichen Summe ein Umzugsunternehmen eine recht schweißtreibende Arbeit hinlegen müssen. Die nicht gerade niedrige Finanzspritze an ein Unternehmen, das von seiner Zunft nach den Anschlägen auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt wurde, ist erst vor kurzem von einem aufmerksamen Websurfer entdeckt worden.
Zudem sind zu den gestifteten 498.750 Dollar noch weitere 166.250 Dollar unbekannter Herkunft geflossen, was insgesamt ein hübsches rundes Sümmchen gibt: 665.000 $. Wurden die restlichen Gelder etwa gar von der CIA transferiert, deren Boss an 9/11 während einer Unterredung mit dem ziemlich suspekten pakistanischen ISI-Geheimdienstchef Mahmud Ahmed nach dem Bekanntwerden des Attentats demonstrativ die Türen auf Durchzug stellte?
Dazu kommt: Möglicherweise ist der Chef der Umzugsfirma, Dominik Suter, bereits 2003 unter seinem Aliasnamen problemlos wieder in die USA eingereist, als neues Domizil für seine Umtriebe gründete er diesmal eine Reinigungsfirma (Florida-Filing hier).
Sitzen die wahren Urheber der Anschläge in der US-Regierung? Wie wohl man mit Anschuldigungen sehr sorgfältig umgehen sollte - dieses Indiz scheint eines bedrückendsten zu sein, wenn es für diese Zuwendung keine befriedigende Erklärung geben sollte und es bleibt zu hoffen, dass dieser Skandal in der medialen Öffentlichkeit nicht unter den Teppich gekehrt wird.
Free Bees - 9/11 's a lie: Jetzt jubeln und tanzen die Kritiker
Der Geheimdienstexperte Wayne Madsen hat in dieser Sache seit Jahren recherchiert. Seine Erkenntnisse seien hier in aller Ausführlichkeit dokumentiert:
Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist, nationally distributed columnist, and author who has covered Washington, DC, politics, national security, and intelligence issues since 1994. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, CAQ, Counterpunch, and the Intelligence Newsletter (based in Paris).
Dieser Artikel erschien erstmalig bei World Content News
Der Inhaber der mutmaßlichen Mossad-Tarnfirma wurde nach den Anschlägen vom FBI ob des seltsamen Verhaltens zunächst "befragt" (He was stripped to his underwear; he was blindfolded and questioned for 14 hours), setzte sich aber anschließend nach Israel ab. Dominik O. Suter wurde daraufhin weltweit unter diesen Merkmalen gesucht:
Suter, Dominik
28 Harlow Crescent Rd. Fair Lawn, NJ 07410;
312 Pavonia Ave. Jersey City, NJ 07302;
15000 Dickens Suite 11 Sherman Oaks, CA
DoB:1970, SSAN-No. 129-78-0926
Levinson, Ornit / alias Suter, Ornit
28 Harlow Crescent Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410;
312 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07302;
15000 Dickens Ste 11, Sherman Oaks, CA
DoB:1970, SSAN-No. 122-78-0232
Ob das eine oder zwei verschiedene Personen sind, ist unklar.
(Source: FBI Suspect List, 22.05.2002)
"Das Ereignis dokumentiert": Auftritt im israelischen Fernsehen (Quelle: ralph-kutza.de, related Video hier)
Über das fröhliche Treiben der arabisch gekleideten Israelis berichtete der frühere CIA-Agent Philip Giraldi erst kürzlich:
"The celebration came 16 minutes after the first plane struck, when no one knew that there had been a terrorist attack and the episode was assumed to be a horrible accident." (Quelle)
Das FBI hatte in diesem Zusammenhang drei Tage nach dem 11. September für den Flughafen Newark einen Großalarm ausgelöst:
"About a dozen plainclothes officers, including investigators from the Bergen County Sheriff's Department, entered Urban Moving Systems at about 8 p.m. and began snapping pictures. " (Quelle: AP)
Die fünf Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens wurden mehrere Monate in zwei Gefängnissen in New Jersey festgehalten und anschließend abgeschoben. Sie sollen sich illegal und ohne Arbeitserlaubnis in den USA aufgehalten haben. Man geht davon aus, dass sie für den israelischen Geheimdienst Mossad spionierten.
Die US-Regierung blockte bisher alles ab, was im zeitlichen Umfeld des 9/11 mit möglichen israelischen Aktivitäten zusammen hing. Fox News musste einen Beitrag wieder aus dem Programm nehmen, der sich damit befasste, der Artikel wurde aus dem Web entfernt (Archivierte Version hier).
Jetzt jubeln und tanzen die Kritiker in den USA, die der offiziellen Regierungsversion von Anfang an keinen Glauben schenkten.
Bei der Zuwendung handelt es sich um ein Darlehen, bei einem Auftrag hätte angesichts der stattlichen Summe ein Umzugsunternehmen eine recht schweißtreibende Arbeit hinlegen müssen. Die nicht gerade niedrige Finanzspritze an ein Unternehmen, das von seiner Zunft nach den Anschlägen auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt wurde, ist erst vor kurzem von einem aufmerksamen Websurfer entdeckt worden.
Zudem sind zu den gestifteten 498.750 Dollar noch weitere 166.250 Dollar unbekannter Herkunft geflossen, was insgesamt ein hübsches rundes Sümmchen gibt: 665.000 $. Wurden die restlichen Gelder etwa gar von der CIA transferiert, deren Boss an 9/11 während einer Unterredung mit dem ziemlich suspekten pakistanischen ISI-Geheimdienstchef Mahmud Ahmed nach dem Bekanntwerden des Attentats demonstrativ die Türen auf Durchzug stellte?
Dazu kommt: Möglicherweise ist der Chef der Umzugsfirma, Dominik Suter, bereits 2003 unter seinem Aliasnamen problemlos wieder in die USA eingereist, als neues Domizil für seine Umtriebe gründete er diesmal eine Reinigungsfirma (Florida-Filing hier).
Sitzen die wahren Urheber der Anschläge in der US-Regierung? Wie wohl man mit Anschuldigungen sehr sorgfältig umgehen sollte - dieses Indiz scheint eines bedrückendsten zu sein, wenn es für diese Zuwendung keine befriedigende Erklärung geben sollte und es bleibt zu hoffen, dass dieser Skandal in der medialen Öffentlichkeit nicht unter den Teppich gekehrt wird.
Free Bees - 9/11 's a lie: Jetzt jubeln und tanzen die Kritiker
Der Geheimdienstexperte Wayne Madsen hat in dieser Sache seit Jahren recherchiert. Seine Erkenntnisse seien hier in aller Ausführlichkeit dokumentiert:
U.S. government funded Mossad 9/11-related moving firm
A Weehawken, New Jersey-based moving company, linked by the FBI and CIA to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, received $498,750 in assistance from the US federal government in 2001, according to FedSpending.org, a web site operated by the federal spending watchdog organization, OMB Watch.
On August 7, 2005, WMR reported on details about Urban Moving System's involvement in the events of 9/11 in a special report:
". . . suspected Israeli intelligence activity surrounding 9/11, including the arrest by New Jersey police near Giants Stadium of five Israelis who were seen celebrating, high-fiving, jumping up and down, and videotaping the collapse of the World Trade Center, was reported by the media. A New Jersey apartment resident named Maria, who declined to give her last name, told ABC News about several Israelis she saw celebrating the attack on the Twin Towers in her parking lot. The Israelis were later linked to an Israeli-owned office moving company called Urban Moving Systems headquartered in Weehawken, New Jersey at 3 West 18th Street. Another Urban Moving office was located on West 50th Street in Manhattan. Urban Moving’s owner, Dominik Otto Suter, fled to Israel shortly before he was to be re-questioned by the FBI. One of the five Israelis had a ticket for Bangkok and was due to fly out on September 13. The New York Department of Transportation revoked Urban Moving Systems’ license after it was discovered that its Manhattan business address was merely a post office box.
At 3:31 P.M. [on September 11] the FBI issued a nationwide alert called 'Be On Lookout' or 'BOLO' for the Israelis. Drafted by Special Agent Dave O’Brien, it read:
'Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration (JYJ 13Y) with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park. Jersey City, NJ, at the time of the first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center.'
The WMR report on Urban Moving Systems continued:
"After the van was traced to the Israeli moving company, the BOLO went out for the arrest of the vehicle’s driver and passengers. An East Rutherford policeman directing traffic away from the closed Lincoln Tunnel on Route 3 East noticed the van was driving slowly on the service road toward the tunnel. The tag of the vehicle was only off by one letter from what was contained in the BOLO (JRJ 13Y) and the front New Jersey plate had been removed. It is very possible that to confuse the police, the Israelis were using NJ plate JRJ 13Y as the rear tag on two white vans – the one sighted in Liberty State Park and the other in Maria’s apartment building parking lot. In fact, local police reported a number of white van sightings during September 11, with a number of them phoned into the police. Maria told ABC News she phoned tag number JRJ 13Y to the Jersey City Police after seeing the Israelis driving in a white van celebrating the first plane’s impact, while Liberty State Park witnesses said the same tag number -- JRJ 13Y -- had been passed to the police and FBI after a white van with 'celebrating Arabs' had been chased from the park by the park’s chief ranger after the first plane impact. It was clear that officials of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection in Trenton, which has authority over the state’s parks, ordered Liberty State Park officials not to talk to the media about September 11 and the Israeli van.
The East Rutherford Police report on the Israeli van states:
'Officer assigned to Special Detail on Route 3 was rerouting traffic on Highway 3 East to Hwy 120 and 3 West. Lincoln Tunnel was shut down and officer was diverting traffic. Officer notified by dispatch of a National Broadcast to be on lookout for 2000 Chevy Van White, NJ tag JYJ 13Y. 3 to 4 occupants. Officer noticed van traveling at slow speed east toward Lincoln Tunnel on the Service Road with 2 occupants visible. Officer informed sergeant of possible match. No front license plate but JRJ 13Y tag may have one letter off from National Broadcast. Sergeant told officer to stop vehicle because van seen in Liberty State Park at time of first impact. Driver did not exit vehicle. He fumbled with a black “fanny pack.” Officer removed driver and van was searched. County bomb squad and FBI notified. FBI Newark ordered occupants to be held for prints because occupants were seen in Liberty State Park at time of first impact. 5 individuals were detained. Vehicle registration and insurance card were obtained. Officer spoke to FBI Special Agents Robert F. Taylor, Jr., Bill Lloyd, and Dave O’Brien. Prior to transportation to NJ State Police Barracks at Giants Stadium, driver said, 'We are Israelis, we are not your problem. Your problems are our problem. Palestinians are the problem.'
After the Israelis were arrested they misrepresented their location to one of the arresting police officers, Scott DeCarlo, claiming they were driving on West Side Highway in Manhattan when the planes struck the Trade Center. Dogs provided by the Bergen County Police K-9 unit alerted to the presence of explosives in the van. The nearby Homestead Studio Suites Hotel was evacuated for several hours. Asked about the Israelis in the van being present at Liberty State Park at the time of the first World Trade Center impact, one East Rutherford officer responded, 'sure they were there.' Another confidential source told the Bergen County Record, 'There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted . . . It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.' According to several Weehawken neighbors of the Urban Moving Systems warehouse, the FBI, upon searching the the warehouse, discovered fertilizer, other chemicals for making explosives, pipes, caps, and traces of anthrax. After anthrax was discovered, investigators wearing hazardous material suits went through the warehouse. Residents around Urban Moving Systems who had connections to the local police also reported that helicopters with infrared radar swooped in over the warehouse on several occasions.
According to the ABC 20/20 report and echoing the East Rutherford police report, the van’s driver, Sivan Kurzburg, told DeCarlo, 'We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.' The Israelis also reportedly told police they were tourists. When the FBI developed the photos taken by the Israelis of the World Trade Center carnage, one photo depicted Kurzburg flicking a cigarette lighter in a celebratory manner with the burning buildings in the background.
On the morning of September 12, the FBI canvassed the residents of the Israelis’ apartment building, The Doric, in Union City. They asked the residents if they could identify photographs of the five Israelis. The three Newark-based FBI agents on the case were Robert F. Taylor, Jr., Bill Lloyd and Dave O’Brien, the same agents who questioned the van drivers arrested in East Rutherford. All have subsequently been transferred from the Newark Field Office. A Union City off-duty policemen, saw three suspicious people at Union Park next to the Doric Temple at the corner of 9th Street and Palisades Avenue in Union City. The three, who matched the description of other Israeli false flag' teams, were filming New York City’s skyline before the first plane hit the World Trade Center. The officer also witnessed the three high-fiving each other. The officer chased the celebrants on foot but was unable to apprehend them. The officer later reported the three headed into Jersey City by car.
Another van carrying explosives was stopped by police on an approach ramp to the George Washington Bridge from the New Jersey side. Police suspected the perpetrators were trying to blow up the bridge.
According to Jersey City police sources, another FBI agent, Monica Patton, investigated the activities of Israeli 'movers' and four of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and two Saudi brothers – Waleed M. and Wail Al-Shehri -- at the same video rental store in Jersey City. One of the videos the Saudi brothers rented was an HBO documentary on the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Another video they rented was 'The Towering Inferno.' The video storeowner said his video rental records were later stolen after the FBI interviewed him and he told them about the Saudis’ rental history. The Al Shehri brothers also purchased phone cards from the video store for special use in calling Dubai. The Jersey City intrigue does not stop with the Saudis and Israelis. Jersey City Police also reported that the business card of a Jersey City municipal government social worker had been found on Timothy McVeigh after his arrest for the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
After serving two and a half months in prison and after a barrage of official complaints from the Israeli government, the five Israeli 'movers' (Kurzberg, his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari) were released over the objections of the CIA and permitted to return home. However, when Jersey City police checked the Israelis’ van they found $4,700 hidden in a sock, two foreign passports and a Stanley-knife box cutter (the same brand used by the 911 hijackers). Paul Kurzberg, refused for ten weeks to take a polygraph and then flunked it when he did. His lawyer said his client once worked for Israeli intelligence in 'another country.' Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert interceded twice with his good friend New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to have the Israelis released. On September 14, 2004, the five 'dancing Israelis' filed suit against the United States in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn for wrongful arrest and imprisonment.
A number of interesting facts are stated in the Israelis’ complaint. It states that some of the Israelis were classified as being 'of high interest' to the government’s terrorism investigation, 'Witness Security' and/or 'Management Interest Group 155.' They were 'housed in one of the most highly restrictive prison settings possible, the Administrative Maximum Special Housing Unit ('ADMAX SHU') of the Metropolitan Detention Center ('MDC').' The government was also interested in the Israelis’ possessions. The complaint states the government 'confiscated personal identification, money, and valuable personal items' from the Israelis. In addition, the government searched the homes of the Israelis and confiscated additional personal items.
One intriguing complaint was that the U.S. government detained the Israelis precisely because they were Jewish Israelis. The court filing states: 'Defendants and others have also engaged in racial, religious, ethnic, and/or national origin profiling. Plaintiffs’ race, religion, ethnicity, and/or national origin played a determinative role in Defendants’ decision to detain them initially, to subject them to a blanket non-bond policy, to subject them to punishing and dangerous conditions of confinement, and then to keep them detained beyond the point at which removal or voluntary departure could have been effectuated . . .'
Silvan Kurzberg was required to provide a blood sample while in prison, an indication that federal authorities may have had some DNA evidence they wanted to match. At the time of their arrest, all the Israelis had plane tickets back to Israel. When they were first detained, the Israelis were not permitted to meet with a Rabbi. Later access to a Rabbi was granted under 'severely limited' circumstances. Prayer books and a bible given to the Israelis by the Rabbi were inspected by prison guards. During their first two weeks of detention, the FBI prohibited the Israeli Consul in New York from meeting with the Israelis.
One of the most astounding claims of the Israelis was that the FBI, Bureau of Prisons, and Immigration and Naturalization Service did not understand the difference between Arab Muslims and Jewish Israelis. The complaint states: 'The plaintiffs are Jewish Israelis, not Moslems, but due to the similarity of language and the geographical location of Israel in the Middle East, and the ignorance or lack of understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the fact that Israel is an ally of the United States, the defendants mentally placed the plaintiffs in the same category as Moslems, and discriminated against them the same way.'
At around noon on September 12, 2001, Roy Barak, a former Israeli paratrooper, and Motti Butbul, both employed by Urban Moving Systems as drivers, were stopped by police near York, Pennsylvania. They were en route from Chicago to New York City. Police discovered Barak had an expired visa and Butbul had no work permit. FBI agents were soon on the scene and grew suspicious when a box cutter was found inside the truck. The FBI polygraphed Barak and showed him a picture of his five colleagues arrested in New Jersey and asked him why they were smiling. Barak responded that they were not smiling. The FBI thought Barak was a possible terrorist and a Mossad spy. The FBI was particularly interested if someone sent Barak to the United States and if, at the time, he held a security clearance in the Israeli army. Barak spent his second week in solitary confinement without a television, radio, or any books.
Vince Cannistraro, the former operations chief for counter-terrorism for the CIA, said that a search of the CIA’s national intelligence database turned up some of the names of Israelis arrested in New Jersey. He said a number of people in the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Urban Moving was a Mossad operation and the Israelis were pursuing Islamist radicals in the New Jersey-New York area and particularly in Patterson, New Jersey. Pauline Stepkovich, who lived across the street from Urban Moving, told ABC News that FBI agents removed about a dozen boxes and computers, enough to fill up two SUVs. Cannistraro told ABC News that the FBI was concerned that the Israeli movers had some advanced knowledge of the 911 attacks but failed to warn the United States. 'The fear of some of the FBI investigators in this particular case was that this group had some advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 911. And once they understood there was an Israeli connection--an Israeli intelligence connection--they became very disturbed, because the implication was that the Israelis may have had some advanced knowledge of the events of 911 and hadn’t told us,' Cannistraro said. Israeli intelligence foreknowledge about the 911 attacks was confirmed by two senior-level intelligence officials at the CIA and FBI.
In Washington, Israeli embassy spokesman, Mark Regev, dismissed the espionage charges, claiming the excitement of the Israelis seeing the World Trade Center collapse was due to 'youthful foolishness.' A lawyer for one of the Israelis said his client denied celebrating the terrorist attack on the Trade Center, however, after the FBI developed their film it clearly showed three of the Israelis on top of the van 'smiling and clowning around' with the buildings burning in the background. The evidence bolstered what Maria and Pat told the police and proved that the Israelis lied to the police when they claimed they were in Manhattan during the attack.
The Jewish weekly newspaper, The Forward, reported that a top U.S. government official told it, 'The assessment was that Urban Moving Systems was a front for the Mossad and operatives employed by it… the conclusion of the FBI was that they were spying on local Arabs.' ABC 20/20 host Barbara Walters commented on how the story of the Israeli movers was received in the Arab world, 'The story is that Israel knew more than it would like to admit about the terrorist attack in this country. It's a rumor, but in some Arab countries--including Saudi Arabia, which I visited earlier this year--even educated people told me that they believe it is absolutely true.'
Perhaps the young Israelis were only mirroring the feelings of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who when asked how the 911 attacks would affect U.S.-Israeli relations, said, 'It’s very good… Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel from Americans.' Bergen County Police Chief John Schmidig was not as serene. He said, 'We got an alert to be on the lookout for a white Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration and writing on the side. Three individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact. They said three people were jumping up and down.'
September 14, 2005 -- Is Urban Moving Systems chief back in US? There are indications that Israeli national Dominik Suter, the former head of Urban Moving Systems in Weehawken, NJ is back in the United States, this time in south Florida and may be using his actual name. An informed source claims that Suter is working for an aviation-related firm in south Florida. The firm is reportedly involved in parts locating for the aerospace and aviation industries.
Suter ran the Weehawken, NJ-based moving company on 9-11 when a number of Urban Moving Systems vans were spotted around north Jersey before and after the hijacked planes struck the World Trade Center. One Urban Moving van was seen at Liberty State Park in Jersey City as the first plane hit the towers. The five occupants, all Israeli nationals, were seen videotaping and celebrating the attack and were dressed in Arab clothing. The five were later arrested near Giant Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. One of the Israelis told police they were at Liberty State Park to "document the event."
Mysterious 911 moving van operator reportedly back in the US
After the Israelis were detained for several months in Brooklyn as terrorist suspects, they were quickly deported to Israel. After the FBI questioned Suter on September 11, he fled the United States on September 14, 2001. The FBI was due to question Suter again before he fled the country. Later, Federal law enforcement agents discovered pipes, caps, explosive chemical materials, and traces of anthrax at the Weehawken warehouse. Suter's name and those of some of his moving employees turned up in a CIA database of foreign intelligence agents. Suter's name also appeared on an FBI 9-11 terrorism suspect list. Suter's year of birth is listed as 1970 with a social security number of 129-78-0926. His addresses before 9-11 are listed as 28 Harlow Crescent Rd., Fairlawn, NJ 07410; 312 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07302; and 15000 Dickens, Suite 11, Sherman Oaks CA. If Suter has been permitted to re-enter the United States, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and its chief Michael Chertoff have a lot of explaining to do.
A Weehawken, New Jersey-based moving company, linked by the FBI and CIA to the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, received $498,750 in assistance from the US federal government in 2001, according to FedSpending.org, a web site operated by the federal spending watchdog organization, OMB Watch.
On August 7, 2005, WMR reported on details about Urban Moving System's involvement in the events of 9/11 in a special report:
". . . suspected Israeli intelligence activity surrounding 9/11, including the arrest by New Jersey police near Giants Stadium of five Israelis who were seen celebrating, high-fiving, jumping up and down, and videotaping the collapse of the World Trade Center, was reported by the media. A New Jersey apartment resident named Maria, who declined to give her last name, told ABC News about several Israelis she saw celebrating the attack on the Twin Towers in her parking lot. The Israelis were later linked to an Israeli-owned office moving company called Urban Moving Systems headquartered in Weehawken, New Jersey at 3 West 18th Street. Another Urban Moving office was located on West 50th Street in Manhattan. Urban Moving’s owner, Dominik Otto Suter, fled to Israel shortly before he was to be re-questioned by the FBI. One of the five Israelis had a ticket for Bangkok and was due to fly out on September 13. The New York Department of Transportation revoked Urban Moving Systems’ license after it was discovered that its Manhattan business address was merely a post office box.
At 3:31 P.M. [on September 11] the FBI issued a nationwide alert called 'Be On Lookout' or 'BOLO' for the Israelis. Drafted by Special Agent Dave O’Brien, it read:
'Vehicle possibly related to New York terrorist attack. White, 2000 Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration (JYJ 13Y) with ‘Urban Moving Systems’ sign on back seen at Liberty State Park. Jersey City, NJ, at the time of the first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center.'
The WMR report on Urban Moving Systems continued:
"After the van was traced to the Israeli moving company, the BOLO went out for the arrest of the vehicle’s driver and passengers. An East Rutherford policeman directing traffic away from the closed Lincoln Tunnel on Route 3 East noticed the van was driving slowly on the service road toward the tunnel. The tag of the vehicle was only off by one letter from what was contained in the BOLO (JRJ 13Y) and the front New Jersey plate had been removed. It is very possible that to confuse the police, the Israelis were using NJ plate JRJ 13Y as the rear tag on two white vans – the one sighted in Liberty State Park and the other in Maria’s apartment building parking lot. In fact, local police reported a number of white van sightings during September 11, with a number of them phoned into the police. Maria told ABC News she phoned tag number JRJ 13Y to the Jersey City Police after seeing the Israelis driving in a white van celebrating the first plane’s impact, while Liberty State Park witnesses said the same tag number -- JRJ 13Y -- had been passed to the police and FBI after a white van with 'celebrating Arabs' had been chased from the park by the park’s chief ranger after the first plane impact. It was clear that officials of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection in Trenton, which has authority over the state’s parks, ordered Liberty State Park officials not to talk to the media about September 11 and the Israeli van.
The East Rutherford Police report on the Israeli van states:
'Officer assigned to Special Detail on Route 3 was rerouting traffic on Highway 3 East to Hwy 120 and 3 West. Lincoln Tunnel was shut down and officer was diverting traffic. Officer notified by dispatch of a National Broadcast to be on lookout for 2000 Chevy Van White, NJ tag JYJ 13Y. 3 to 4 occupants. Officer noticed van traveling at slow speed east toward Lincoln Tunnel on the Service Road with 2 occupants visible. Officer informed sergeant of possible match. No front license plate but JRJ 13Y tag may have one letter off from National Broadcast. Sergeant told officer to stop vehicle because van seen in Liberty State Park at time of first impact. Driver did not exit vehicle. He fumbled with a black “fanny pack.” Officer removed driver and van was searched. County bomb squad and FBI notified. FBI Newark ordered occupants to be held for prints because occupants were seen in Liberty State Park at time of first impact. 5 individuals were detained. Vehicle registration and insurance card were obtained. Officer spoke to FBI Special Agents Robert F. Taylor, Jr., Bill Lloyd, and Dave O’Brien. Prior to transportation to NJ State Police Barracks at Giants Stadium, driver said, 'We are Israelis, we are not your problem. Your problems are our problem. Palestinians are the problem.'
After the Israelis were arrested they misrepresented their location to one of the arresting police officers, Scott DeCarlo, claiming they were driving on West Side Highway in Manhattan when the planes struck the Trade Center. Dogs provided by the Bergen County Police K-9 unit alerted to the presence of explosives in the van. The nearby Homestead Studio Suites Hotel was evacuated for several hours. Asked about the Israelis in the van being present at Liberty State Park at the time of the first World Trade Center impact, one East Rutherford officer responded, 'sure they were there.' Another confidential source told the Bergen County Record, 'There are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted . . . It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park.' According to several Weehawken neighbors of the Urban Moving Systems warehouse, the FBI, upon searching the the warehouse, discovered fertilizer, other chemicals for making explosives, pipes, caps, and traces of anthrax. After anthrax was discovered, investigators wearing hazardous material suits went through the warehouse. Residents around Urban Moving Systems who had connections to the local police also reported that helicopters with infrared radar swooped in over the warehouse on several occasions.
According to the ABC 20/20 report and echoing the East Rutherford police report, the van’s driver, Sivan Kurzburg, told DeCarlo, 'We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.' The Israelis also reportedly told police they were tourists. When the FBI developed the photos taken by the Israelis of the World Trade Center carnage, one photo depicted Kurzburg flicking a cigarette lighter in a celebratory manner with the burning buildings in the background.
On the morning of September 12, the FBI canvassed the residents of the Israelis’ apartment building, The Doric, in Union City. They asked the residents if they could identify photographs of the five Israelis. The three Newark-based FBI agents on the case were Robert F. Taylor, Jr., Bill Lloyd and Dave O’Brien, the same agents who questioned the van drivers arrested in East Rutherford. All have subsequently been transferred from the Newark Field Office. A Union City off-duty policemen, saw three suspicious people at Union Park next to the Doric Temple at the corner of 9th Street and Palisades Avenue in Union City. The three, who matched the description of other Israeli false flag' teams, were filming New York City’s skyline before the first plane hit the World Trade Center. The officer also witnessed the three high-fiving each other. The officer chased the celebrants on foot but was unable to apprehend them. The officer later reported the three headed into Jersey City by car.
Another van carrying explosives was stopped by police on an approach ramp to the George Washington Bridge from the New Jersey side. Police suspected the perpetrators were trying to blow up the bridge.
According to Jersey City police sources, another FBI agent, Monica Patton, investigated the activities of Israeli 'movers' and four of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and two Saudi brothers – Waleed M. and Wail Al-Shehri -- at the same video rental store in Jersey City. One of the videos the Saudi brothers rented was an HBO documentary on the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. Another video they rented was 'The Towering Inferno.' The video storeowner said his video rental records were later stolen after the FBI interviewed him and he told them about the Saudis’ rental history. The Al Shehri brothers also purchased phone cards from the video store for special use in calling Dubai. The Jersey City intrigue does not stop with the Saudis and Israelis. Jersey City Police also reported that the business card of a Jersey City municipal government social worker had been found on Timothy McVeigh after his arrest for the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
After serving two and a half months in prison and after a barrage of official complaints from the Israeli government, the five Israeli 'movers' (Kurzberg, his brother Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Elner, and Omer Marmari) were released over the objections of the CIA and permitted to return home. However, when Jersey City police checked the Israelis’ van they found $4,700 hidden in a sock, two foreign passports and a Stanley-knife box cutter (the same brand used by the 911 hijackers). Paul Kurzberg, refused for ten weeks to take a polygraph and then flunked it when he did. His lawyer said his client once worked for Israeli intelligence in 'another country.' Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert interceded twice with his good friend New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani to have the Israelis released. On September 14, 2004, the five 'dancing Israelis' filed suit against the United States in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn for wrongful arrest and imprisonment.
A number of interesting facts are stated in the Israelis’ complaint. It states that some of the Israelis were classified as being 'of high interest' to the government’s terrorism investigation, 'Witness Security' and/or 'Management Interest Group 155.' They were 'housed in one of the most highly restrictive prison settings possible, the Administrative Maximum Special Housing Unit ('ADMAX SHU') of the Metropolitan Detention Center ('MDC').' The government was also interested in the Israelis’ possessions. The complaint states the government 'confiscated personal identification, money, and valuable personal items' from the Israelis. In addition, the government searched the homes of the Israelis and confiscated additional personal items.
One intriguing complaint was that the U.S. government detained the Israelis precisely because they were Jewish Israelis. The court filing states: 'Defendants and others have also engaged in racial, religious, ethnic, and/or national origin profiling. Plaintiffs’ race, religion, ethnicity, and/or national origin played a determinative role in Defendants’ decision to detain them initially, to subject them to a blanket non-bond policy, to subject them to punishing and dangerous conditions of confinement, and then to keep them detained beyond the point at which removal or voluntary departure could have been effectuated . . .'
Silvan Kurzberg was required to provide a blood sample while in prison, an indication that federal authorities may have had some DNA evidence they wanted to match. At the time of their arrest, all the Israelis had plane tickets back to Israel. When they were first detained, the Israelis were not permitted to meet with a Rabbi. Later access to a Rabbi was granted under 'severely limited' circumstances. Prayer books and a bible given to the Israelis by the Rabbi were inspected by prison guards. During their first two weeks of detention, the FBI prohibited the Israeli Consul in New York from meeting with the Israelis.
One of the most astounding claims of the Israelis was that the FBI, Bureau of Prisons, and Immigration and Naturalization Service did not understand the difference between Arab Muslims and Jewish Israelis. The complaint states: 'The plaintiffs are Jewish Israelis, not Moslems, but due to the similarity of language and the geographical location of Israel in the Middle East, and the ignorance or lack of understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the fact that Israel is an ally of the United States, the defendants mentally placed the plaintiffs in the same category as Moslems, and discriminated against them the same way.'
At around noon on September 12, 2001, Roy Barak, a former Israeli paratrooper, and Motti Butbul, both employed by Urban Moving Systems as drivers, were stopped by police near York, Pennsylvania. They were en route from Chicago to New York City. Police discovered Barak had an expired visa and Butbul had no work permit. FBI agents were soon on the scene and grew suspicious when a box cutter was found inside the truck. The FBI polygraphed Barak and showed him a picture of his five colleagues arrested in New Jersey and asked him why they were smiling. Barak responded that they were not smiling. The FBI thought Barak was a possible terrorist and a Mossad spy. The FBI was particularly interested if someone sent Barak to the United States and if, at the time, he held a security clearance in the Israeli army. Barak spent his second week in solitary confinement without a television, radio, or any books.
Vince Cannistraro, the former operations chief for counter-terrorism for the CIA, said that a search of the CIA’s national intelligence database turned up some of the names of Israelis arrested in New Jersey. He said a number of people in the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Urban Moving was a Mossad operation and the Israelis were pursuing Islamist radicals in the New Jersey-New York area and particularly in Patterson, New Jersey. Pauline Stepkovich, who lived across the street from Urban Moving, told ABC News that FBI agents removed about a dozen boxes and computers, enough to fill up two SUVs. Cannistraro told ABC News that the FBI was concerned that the Israeli movers had some advanced knowledge of the 911 attacks but failed to warn the United States. 'The fear of some of the FBI investigators in this particular case was that this group had some advanced knowledge of what was going to happen on 911. And once they understood there was an Israeli connection--an Israeli intelligence connection--they became very disturbed, because the implication was that the Israelis may have had some advanced knowledge of the events of 911 and hadn’t told us,' Cannistraro said. Israeli intelligence foreknowledge about the 911 attacks was confirmed by two senior-level intelligence officials at the CIA and FBI.
In Washington, Israeli embassy spokesman, Mark Regev, dismissed the espionage charges, claiming the excitement of the Israelis seeing the World Trade Center collapse was due to 'youthful foolishness.' A lawyer for one of the Israelis said his client denied celebrating the terrorist attack on the Trade Center, however, after the FBI developed their film it clearly showed three of the Israelis on top of the van 'smiling and clowning around' with the buildings burning in the background. The evidence bolstered what Maria and Pat told the police and proved that the Israelis lied to the police when they claimed they were in Manhattan during the attack.
The Jewish weekly newspaper, The Forward, reported that a top U.S. government official told it, 'The assessment was that Urban Moving Systems was a front for the Mossad and operatives employed by it… the conclusion of the FBI was that they were spying on local Arabs.' ABC 20/20 host Barbara Walters commented on how the story of the Israeli movers was received in the Arab world, 'The story is that Israel knew more than it would like to admit about the terrorist attack in this country. It's a rumor, but in some Arab countries--including Saudi Arabia, which I visited earlier this year--even educated people told me that they believe it is absolutely true.'
Perhaps the young Israelis were only mirroring the feelings of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who when asked how the 911 attacks would affect U.S.-Israeli relations, said, 'It’s very good… Well, it’s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel from Americans.' Bergen County Police Chief John Schmidig was not as serene. He said, 'We got an alert to be on the lookout for a white Chevrolet van with New Jersey registration and writing on the side. Three individuals were seen celebrating in Liberty State Park after the impact. They said three people were jumping up and down.'
September 14, 2005 -- Is Urban Moving Systems chief back in US? There are indications that Israeli national Dominik Suter, the former head of Urban Moving Systems in Weehawken, NJ is back in the United States, this time in south Florida and may be using his actual name. An informed source claims that Suter is working for an aviation-related firm in south Florida. The firm is reportedly involved in parts locating for the aerospace and aviation industries.
Suter ran the Weehawken, NJ-based moving company on 9-11 when a number of Urban Moving Systems vans were spotted around north Jersey before and after the hijacked planes struck the World Trade Center. One Urban Moving van was seen at Liberty State Park in Jersey City as the first plane hit the towers. The five occupants, all Israeli nationals, were seen videotaping and celebrating the attack and were dressed in Arab clothing. The five were later arrested near Giant Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ. One of the Israelis told police they were at Liberty State Park to "document the event."
Mysterious 911 moving van operator reportedly back in the US
After the Israelis were detained for several months in Brooklyn as terrorist suspects, they were quickly deported to Israel. After the FBI questioned Suter on September 11, he fled the United States on September 14, 2001. The FBI was due to question Suter again before he fled the country. Later, Federal law enforcement agents discovered pipes, caps, explosive chemical materials, and traces of anthrax at the Weehawken warehouse. Suter's name and those of some of his moving employees turned up in a CIA database of foreign intelligence agents. Suter's name also appeared on an FBI 9-11 terrorism suspect list. Suter's year of birth is listed as 1970 with a social security number of 129-78-0926. His addresses before 9-11 are listed as 28 Harlow Crescent Rd., Fairlawn, NJ 07410; 312 Pavonia Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07302; and 15000 Dickens, Suite 11, Sherman Oaks CA. If Suter has been permitted to re-enter the United States, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and its chief Michael Chertoff have a lot of explaining to do.
Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist, nationally distributed columnist, and author who has covered Washington, DC, politics, national security, and intelligence issues since 1994. He has written for The Village Voice, The Progressive, CAQ, Counterpunch, and the Intelligence Newsletter (based in Paris).
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