Donnerstag, 31. März 2011

Sonja Wenger - Gutenberg, äh, Guttenberg, Guten Tag», witzelte das SWR3-Radio kürzlich über die Plagiatsaffäre um Deutschlands Verteidigungsminister Baron Karl Theodor von und zu und vielleicht auch nach Guttenberg. Und da Titel heutzutage wieder wichtig zu sein scheinen, ...

onlineredaktion - A senior Libyan official says he is resigning his post, the second high-profile defection from Muammar Gaddafi's regime in as many days. Ali Abdel-Salam al-Treki is a former foreign minister and had been named to represent Libya at the UN after a wave ...

Steve Ragan - Given his treatment while in confinement, as well as the list of new charges against him, Bradley Manning has gained another set of champions to his dilemma. Anonymous has promised to avenge Manning, and wage a media war with the U.S. military. The Tech Herald ...