Karl Rove attempts to use a pen...

"This week is the one-year anniversary of Democrats winning Congress. But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid probably aren't in a celebrating mood. The goodwill they enjoyed after their victory is gone. Their bright campaign promises are unfulfilled. Democratic leadership is in disarray. And Congress's approval rating has fallen to its lowest point in history."
I may not be a fan of Ms. Pelosi's, but little Karl has little room to critique anyone. I mean, if we are going to talk about disarray, we could talk about the Republican House leadership in the form of Speaker Denny Hastert and in the form of House Majority Leader Tom Delay. Hastert is alleged to have received large amounts of foreign bribes in exchange for favors and possibly classified information.
Tom Delay, who prior to his organized crime syndicate running out of K Street and later his indictment on money laundering charges, was a bug killer, alcoholic, sleaze who also is alleged to have taken massive bribes from foreign agents. Oh, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was caught in an insider trading scam, ultimately not charged, but ran away from the Senate shortly thereafter. The approval level of Congress is the Republican burn mark left behind- little Karl- which proved to be the most corrupt Congress ever. How many members of the GOP majority are either indicted, in prison, or under investigation little Karl? But by all means, continue, your so-called boy genius perhaps quite unsurprisingly rather flaccid.
Morontwo "The problems the Democrats are now experiencing begin with the federal budget. Or rather, the lack of one. In 2006, Democrats criticized Congress for dragging its feet on the budget and pledged that they would do better. Instead, they did worse. The new fiscal year started Oct. 1--five weeks ago--but Democrats have yet to send the president a single annual appropriations bill. It's been at least 20 years since Congress has gone this late in passing any appropriation bills, an indication of the mess the Pelosi-Reid Congress is now in."
Ah, nope. Caught lying again. The problem with the federal budget is that you and your team, the cabal (if you will), took a surplus and converted it into the largest deficit ever. Let's consider that in the 4 years of the Iraq war, the money that Congress provided to this administration just kept disappearing.
MoronverysmallTroops did not have body armor, basic supplies, sometimes even water. Yet somehow, and I am sure a man of integrity such as yourself Mr. Rove can likely tell us where billions went missing in Iraq, billions went missing on projects not done, on initiatives not completed, and on all sorts of nonsense that had nothing to do with national security or war.
It is as though a big laundry truck showed up and used the war chest as the GOP's very own campaign piggy bank. But you would never be involved in something like money laundering, fraud, embezzlement, etc., little Rove, would you? Ah, if only we had a Department of Justice to take a closer look.

sfux - 9. Nov, 23:29 Article 2288x read