Aufstand in Libyen: WL Central aktuell
THURSDAY, February 17
9:30 AM Updated map and blog stream of protests via @Arasmus.
7:30 AM A video from Zintan from youtube user MeddiTV.
7:30 AM Another video from Albeida from youtube user MeddiTV.
7:15 AM Al Jazeera announces a live blog for Libya. It so far contains two entries, neither newsworthy.
7:15 AM Protesters in Albeida shout "Gaddafi you dictator! The turn has come for you, the turn has come for you!" Translation from LibyaFeb17.
7:15 AM Benghazi eyewitness account on Al Jazeera translated on LibyaFeb17. The eyewiness says there is no Libyan government presence for negotiation, they brought thugs to Benghazi from outside but they all fled from the protesters. Snipers are positioned atop buildings in all parts of the city with the primary aim to kill the Libyan youth. [Men with what appear to be rifles on top of buildings can be seen in the video below.] While I speak to you now there is a heavy exchange of fire. Our demand is one and that is to topple the regime! Removing Mu’ammar Al Gaddafi! Removing him and his children! We want to change the regime! We are fed up! We have become tired, that’s it, we’ve had enough as the Arabs say! Too much has happened. 1200 murdered in the prison of Abu Sleem, 500 HIV infected children in Benghazi. Full translation at LibyaFeb17.
4:02 AM: Al Jazeera reports that the names of the two people killed in Al-Beida were Khaled ElNaji Khanfar and Ahmad Shoushaniya. They say at least 38 other people were injured in Al-Beida.
3:40 AM: Protesters burn Gadaffi pictures and a building in Al-Beida
WEDNESDAY, February 16
TUESDAY, February 15