Bill Kristol: „Wir könnten mit Iran viel früher in einer militärischen Konfrontation sein, als sie glauben“
Stephan Fuchs – Gestern trommelte auf Fox News der Weekly Standard Redaktor und Mitbegründer des Thinktank Project for the New American Century , William „Bill“ Kristol, wieder für einen militärischen Schlag gegen Iran.
Laut Wikipedia war Kristol Vorsitzender des Project for the Republican Future von 1993 bis 1994, 1993 war er zudem bei der Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation in Milwaukee tätig, die u.a. konservative Denkfabriken wie das American Enterprise Institute finanziert. William Kristol saß in der zweiten Hälfte der 90er Jahre auch zwei Jahre lang in einem Beraterkomitee für den damals in arge Turbulenzen geratenen US-Konzern Enron, das vom damaligen Vorstandsvorsitzenden Kenneth Lay einberufen worden war. Zusammen mit Robert Kagan ist er Mitbegründer und stellvertretender Direktor des Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Schon vorher hatte er maßgeblichen Anteil an der Ausarbeitung und -formulierung der federführend von Paul Wolfowitz verantworteten Bush-Doktrin.
Das Transkript von Fox:
KRISTOL: I think we could be in a military confrontation with Iran much sooner than people expect. I don’t think this is an issue that’s going to wait two and a half years until President Bush leaves the presidency. I think he will decide at some point next year — in 2007 — he’ll have to make some very tough decisions about what the U.S. and the world can tolerate in terms of this regime – this apocalyptic, messianic regime — which has made clear that it would use — would feel free to use weapons if it had them, that has very deep ties with terrorist groups, what we could accept in terms of their nuclear program.
QUESTION: What does that mean, what we can accept, does that mean going over and doing something about whatever they’ve got?
KRISTOL: It could mean that. I hope we’re doing things covertly to try to slow down their nuclear progress and I hope we can do much more perhaps and get some allies to do more, but I don’t think a military strike against Iran is at all out of the question. If you saw the president’s press conference yesterday, he said he hoped diplomacy would work, but I was struck by his words. I hope diplomacy would work, it would be helpful if the world spoke with a united voice against Iran, but he’s said over and over, you cannot allow this regime to have nuclear weapons and I think we may come to a real serious choice next year.
Für ein militärisches Abenteuer, fehlt der amerikanischen Armee allerdings die Nachrichtendienstliche Grundlage. Dazu einige Geheimdienstexperten:
Intelligence experts said:
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts warned that “we have not made the progress on our oversight of Iran intelligence, which is critical.”
Roberts’ Intel Committee staff director Bill Duhnke said, “There is no organized committee staff effort to look at Iran right now.”
“I continue to believe that our sources are stale and our case is thin,” said Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee
“U.S. intelligence on the ground is quite poor, especially as it relates to understanding how decisions are made and who controls the power centers in Iran,” said CSIS expert Jon Wolfsthal.
Bereits einmal war Bill Kristol mitverantworlich, dass Amrika in eine katastrophale Situation geraten ist: In den Vorbereitungen zum Irak Krieg. Spricht Kristol von einem "apocalyptic, messianic regime", dann meint er wohl das Regime in Amerika.
U.S. intelligence poor on Iran
Laut Wikipedia war Kristol Vorsitzender des Project for the Republican Future von 1993 bis 1994, 1993 war er zudem bei der Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation in Milwaukee tätig, die u.a. konservative Denkfabriken wie das American Enterprise Institute finanziert. William Kristol saß in der zweiten Hälfte der 90er Jahre auch zwei Jahre lang in einem Beraterkomitee für den damals in arge Turbulenzen geratenen US-Konzern Enron, das vom damaligen Vorstandsvorsitzenden Kenneth Lay einberufen worden war. Zusammen mit Robert Kagan ist er Mitbegründer und stellvertretender Direktor des Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Schon vorher hatte er maßgeblichen Anteil an der Ausarbeitung und -formulierung der federführend von Paul Wolfowitz verantworteten Bush-Doktrin.
Das Transkript von Fox:
KRISTOL: I think we could be in a military confrontation with Iran much sooner than people expect. I don’t think this is an issue that’s going to wait two and a half years until President Bush leaves the presidency. I think he will decide at some point next year — in 2007 — he’ll have to make some very tough decisions about what the U.S. and the world can tolerate in terms of this regime – this apocalyptic, messianic regime — which has made clear that it would use — would feel free to use weapons if it had them, that has very deep ties with terrorist groups, what we could accept in terms of their nuclear program.
QUESTION: What does that mean, what we can accept, does that mean going over and doing something about whatever they’ve got?
KRISTOL: It could mean that. I hope we’re doing things covertly to try to slow down their nuclear progress and I hope we can do much more perhaps and get some allies to do more, but I don’t think a military strike against Iran is at all out of the question. If you saw the president’s press conference yesterday, he said he hoped diplomacy would work, but I was struck by his words. I hope diplomacy would work, it would be helpful if the world spoke with a united voice against Iran, but he’s said over and over, you cannot allow this regime to have nuclear weapons and I think we may come to a real serious choice next year.
Für ein militärisches Abenteuer, fehlt der amerikanischen Armee allerdings die Nachrichtendienstliche Grundlage. Dazu einige Geheimdienstexperten:
Intelligence experts said:
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts warned that “we have not made the progress on our oversight of Iran intelligence, which is critical.”
Roberts’ Intel Committee staff director Bill Duhnke said, “There is no organized committee staff effort to look at Iran right now.”
“I continue to believe that our sources are stale and our case is thin,” said Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA), the ranking member on the House Intelligence Committee
“U.S. intelligence on the ground is quite poor, especially as it relates to understanding how decisions are made and who controls the power centers in Iran,” said CSIS expert Jon Wolfsthal.
Bereits einmal war Bill Kristol mitverantworlich, dass Amrika in eine katastrophale Situation geraten ist: In den Vorbereitungen zum Irak Krieg. Spricht Kristol von einem "apocalyptic, messianic regime", dann meint er wohl das Regime in Amerika.
U.S. intelligence poor on Iran
sfux - 24. Aug, 08:48 Article 2636x read