The Interrogation Documents:
On June 22, 2004, the White House officially released 14 documents originating from the White House, the Pentagon and the Justice Department concerning the Administration's interrogation policies.
These records include only one that previously was published by news media sources, and did not include at least 5 additional documents widely reported in the news media and already made available to the public by the news media concerning interrogation policies from the White House, Pentagon, Justice Department and Department of State.
Dec 2, 2002 - Memo from the Department of Defense summarizing approved methods of interrogation, with annotation from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Still other records are reported to exist or referenced in the already released materials, but have not been made available -- either officially or unofficially -- to the public. This Electronic Briefing Book includes a comprehensive listing of available records relating to U.S. interrogation policies, including records officially released by the White House and the Department of Defense on June 22, leaked documents that have not been officially released, and a description of 17 records that have not been made available to the public.
In addition, this posting includes the text of a congressional subpoena proposed by Senators Leahy and Feinstein that was defeated on June 17, 2004 by the Senate Judiciary Committee and a copy of the "Taguba Report" detailing the findings of a Department of Defense investigation into the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq. Read more & get the Files
US-Vize Cheney hält Folter für "selbstverständlich"
The Interrogation Documents:
Rumsfeld: Kriegsverbrechen auf höchster Ebene
Endlich: Rumsfeld in Berlin angezeigt
Vielen Dank Herr Rumsfeld – gehen Sie nun ins Gefängnis?
Background Brief on the case against Rumsfeld, Gonzales and others. Filed in Germany on November 14, 2006
US Army Report on Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners
The CIA's Pain Project
The Birth of Soft Torture
Klageschrift gegen US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, den ehemaligen CIA-Direktor George Tenet und andere US-Führungskräfte
US-Militärzeitungen wollen Rumsfelds Rücktritt
650 000 Iraker durch Kriegsfolgen gestorben
It’s worth it Baby!
The Lancet
These records include only one that previously was published by news media sources, and did not include at least 5 additional documents widely reported in the news media and already made available to the public by the news media concerning interrogation policies from the White House, Pentagon, Justice Department and Department of State.
Dec 2, 2002 - Memo from the Department of Defense summarizing approved methods of interrogation, with annotation from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Still other records are reported to exist or referenced in the already released materials, but have not been made available -- either officially or unofficially -- to the public. This Electronic Briefing Book includes a comprehensive listing of available records relating to U.S. interrogation policies, including records officially released by the White House and the Department of Defense on June 22, leaked documents that have not been officially released, and a description of 17 records that have not been made available to the public.
In addition, this posting includes the text of a congressional subpoena proposed by Senators Leahy and Feinstein that was defeated on June 17, 2004 by the Senate Judiciary Committee and a copy of the "Taguba Report" detailing the findings of a Department of Defense investigation into the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq. Read more & get the Files
US-Vize Cheney hält Folter für "selbstverständlich"
The Interrogation Documents:
Rumsfeld: Kriegsverbrechen auf höchster Ebene
Endlich: Rumsfeld in Berlin angezeigt
Vielen Dank Herr Rumsfeld – gehen Sie nun ins Gefängnis?
Background Brief on the case against Rumsfeld, Gonzales and others. Filed in Germany on November 14, 2006
US Army Report on Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners
The CIA's Pain Project
The Birth of Soft Torture
Klageschrift gegen US-Verteidigungsminister Donald Rumsfeld, den ehemaligen CIA-Direktor George Tenet und andere US-Führungskräfte
US-Militärzeitungen wollen Rumsfelds Rücktritt
650 000 Iraker durch Kriegsfolgen gestorben
It’s worth it Baby!
The Lancet
sfux - 15. Nov, 08:11 Article 2591x read