Adnan Khashoggi, Rakesh Saxena and the Spiderweb
Dr. Alexander von Paleske ---- 16th April 2007 --- On a noticeboard of a Canadian website I found the information, that Rakesh Saxena, an alleged world class megacrook was released from prison in Vancouver/Canada in December 2006. He was put into prison, pending extradition to Thailand in March 2006, 10 years after Thailand requested the extradition. “Saxena who” may many ask, and why does an extradition take more than 10 years. Let’s see.
Rakesh Saxena is part of a spiderweb of private armies, merchants of death, financial artists and politicians. Names that are popping up among others are Adnan Khashoggi, Tim Spicer, Rakesh Saxena, Tony Buckingham,Simon Mann, Nick du Toit, Raoul Berthaumieu (Berthamieu, alias Lee Sanders), Regis Possino, Sherman Mazur, Eeben Barlow , Lafras Luitingh, Victor Bout (Butt), Sanjivan Ruprah and the companies Executive Outcomes, Sandline and General Commerce Bank.
Meet Adnan Khashoggi
Let’s have a closer look and start with a veteran of arms and shady deals, a close friend of the bin Laden family for decades, an uncle of the late Dodi Fayed, the last partner of Diana Princess of Wales and brother-in-law of the owner of Harrod’s Supermarket in London, Al Fayed, his name: Adnan Khashoggi, once called the richest man on earth. Khashoggi’s origin is Saudi Arabia, his favourite place to live is Marbella in Spain and his favourite businesses are arms deals and the stock market, especially in Vancouver/Canada.
At present, however, he likes more the sand of the beaches of the United Arab Emirates, a better, because safer place to be, when arrest warrants and extradition requests are piling up.
He was involved in the Iran Contra-Affair in the 80s, in which the Pentagon sold weapons to Iran and the profits were used to buy weapons for a CIA sponsored group in Nicaragua, the Contra Rebels. Everything illegal of course, but an army man by the name of Oliver North was day and night putting documents into the shredder, when the scandal was about to be made public. It is good to have such trustworthy people in your house.
Khashoggi was also involved in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a massive washing machine for illegal money from the Medellin drug cartel, Manuel Noriega, and other drug lords. The bank was forcibly closed in 1992 after investigations by a committee of the US senate, in which Senator John Kerry featured prominently.
However Khashoggi, likeable as he is, had and has friends all over the world, so let’s forget about the BCCI-Affair and move on to Thailand, to the Bangkok Bank of Commerce. The CEO of that bank was in the 90s Krirkkiat Jalichandra. A promsing young man of Indian origin, by the name of Rakesh Saxena was introduced to him on a golf course.
A duo infernale
Saxena was wanted in India for culpable homicide, who cares, was a communist before, while studying in India, who cares and according to the slogan, who is not a communist at age 20 hasn’t got a heart, and who is still a communist age 40 hasn’t got a brain, and Saxena had brains, he forgot Marx and Engels and concentrated on fraud and corruption the big way and advised his “brother in fraud” Jalichandra accordingly both together a “duo infernale”, so to speak. Money was pumped into a labyrinth of fake companies and “small gifts” in cash and kind were handed out to politicians and friends, a non repayable loan was allegedly given to Saxena’s friend Adnan Khashoggi, amounting to only 134 million US Dollars, peanuts, so to speak.
However such big fraud, that triggered eventually the Asian Banking Crisis in 1997 cannot go on forever one time the bubble has to burst and in 1996 the scheme collapsed, however Saxena, clever as he was, left in time the sinking ship and fled to a much cooler place, Canada.
Not forgetting, allegedly to take some pocket money with him, only the laughable sum of 88 million US Dollars laughable, because the damage he and Jalichandra allegedly caused amounted to more than three billion US Dollars. Jalichandra was not so lucky, he got arrested and has been sentenced to 30 years in prison one year ago. Thailand wanted Saxena extradited, but Saxena did not want, had money enough to hire the best of the best of lawyers and he convinced the Government of Canada, a banker is a banker, that it would be cheaper to put him in self paid house arrest, than into a prison. So he is still in Canada but not resting, to the contrary. He is as busy as ever.
Rakesh Saxena and a Mercenary
First to knock on his door was Tim Spicer, the mercenary, Ex-Lieutenant Colonel, OBE, hated by the Irish because soldiers of his unit, when he was stationed in Northern Ireland, killed an innocent Irishman by the name of McBride. These soldiers were later convicted for murder. However Spicer campaigned and lied for them, so that they were early released and then reinstated in the British Army, they are now on patrol in Iraq, where killing of innocent civilians is rather a day- to- day event.
Spicer needed money, Saxena had money for his adventure in Sierra Leone.
Tony Buckinghams company Sandline, of which Spicer was the chief executive until 2000, offered their service, in exchange for diamond mining rights, to ousted President Kabbah with old apartheid soldiers of the infamous 32.Buffalo Battalion, Koevoet, 44 Parachute Brigade and the Reconnaissance Commandos. All well well known killer units, their motto: shoot to kill, and their battleground in those days were the newly independent state of Angola with the refugee camps of SWAPO and the illegally occupied Namibia as well as other neighboring countries like Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe..
The unit, named Executive Outcomes, was founded and headed by Eeben Barlow, former member of the 32.Buffalo Battalion and then of the Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) the latter an South African apartheid death squad, which can take credit for countless extra judicial killings inside and outside South Africa including hundreds of captured SWAPO freedom fighters allegedly killed with poison, delivered by a Dr. Wouter Basson and the bodies thrown out of a plane over the Atlantic Ocean.
Saxena and the Arms to Africa Affair
Saxena offered 10 million US Dollar, he had mining interests there as well, bought with money from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce, and with Saxenas/Bangkok Bank of Commerce money Spicer bought tons of weapons in Bulgaria and elsewhere. This was the start, of what was later called the Arms to Africa Affair. Active in this scheme there were also Simon Mann and Nick du Toit, both in prison now, one in Zimbabwe, the other one in Equatorial Guinea after the failed coup attempt last year.
This military intervention was in flagrant violation of an UN arms embargo, who cares, and with the approval of the resident British High Commissioner, Penfold. When the things came out, it nearly brought down the Blair Government.
And Khashoggi and Saxena were not just watching, what was happening in Africa, they had also had serious business to do, Khashoggi in America and Saxena in Canada, before both joint forces and went to Vienna Austria.
Khashoggi, Men from Mars and Deutsche Bank
In 2001 Khashoggi, via his company Ultimate Holdings, based on the Bahamas with a complicated lending scam allegedly pumped up the stock of a Nasdaq bubble company by the name of Genesis Intermedia, in which Ultimate Holdings was the majority shareholder.
The company was built around a book by a John Gray, “Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars”.He forgot to add that arms dealers and mercenaries are from hell. Involved in that scam were Deutsche Bank in Toronto and a slew of criminal stockbrokers and after the scam collapsed in 2001, Khashoggi and his friend El Batrawi were 130 million US Dollar richer, broker houses filed for bankruptcy , the damage amounting to more than 300 million US Dollars.
Deutsche Bank has now settled out of court and has paid 350 million US Dollars, still denying any responsibility, of course.
A friend is a friend
Meanwhile Saxena in Canada was busy as well. He appointed the leading opposition MP in the Canadian Parliament, John Reynolds as board member in a flimsy company called WaveTech while fighting at the same time an extradition request from Thailand in the courts of Canada. We in Africa call that corruption. A friend, even when bought, in need is a friend indeed.
And he was involved in a scandal around a company in South Africa in 2004 , called Platinum Asset Management. PAM, that later on moved to Botswana and was exposed in August 2005 here by me and the local weekly paper "Sunday Standard".
Vienna and the Big Fraud
However shared success is doubled success, so he went to good old Europe in 2000 with his friend Khashoggi. Khashoggi in person, and him being under house arrest via the phone. They linked up with a Filipino by the name of Amador Pastrana.
Pastrana had already earned himself the reputation as being a king of the boiler rooms earning him more than a billion Dollar.
Boiler rooms are cramped small offices, from where selling of shares to unsuspecting clients is organised. They apply high pressure sales pitches on their victims. Those clients have money but no banking experience, they are neither banker nor broker The shares they sell to pensioners, and medium income earners are worthless, artificially pumped up Penny stocks and the clients never see their money again. The most effective and sophisticated fraud scheme to date.
Saxena, Khashoggi and Pastrana bought together the General Commerce Bank AG in Vienna, formerly WMP Bank and allegedly turned it into a boiler room, the fraud organised there amounts, according to press reports, to roughly one billion US Dollar.
With them the US-convicted criminals Regis Possino, Raoul Berthamieu (alias Berthaumieu, alias Lee Sanders) and Sherman Mazur.
In 2001 the Bank was closed.
.1 billion in one year.
Now Saxena can rub his hands. Not only that he is back in his self paid house arrest in a posh suburb of Vancouver, it gives him also a chance to go back into business in a country, which he called last year “full of unintelligent idiots”.
The extradition request of Thailand has expired now after 10 years. The government of Thailand was overthrown by a military coup last September, thus giving Saxena plenty of new arguments in his legal battle.
Saxena's colleagues seem to do well.
Sherman Mazur has started a company, Accu Poll Holdings, in which his children are the majority shareholders. They intend to sell polling machines to the government. A lot of shares have already been sold, via boiler rooms of course, at highly inflated prices.
Regis Possino was collecting investor's money for his company "Geneva Equities"in Asia last year, calling it a "roadshow". He netted 28 million US Dollars.
Geneva Equities was before connected to a company by the name "L-Air", supposed to fly between Canada and Belgium. However their planes never made it to the runway, only the money of the investrors flew away - forever-.
And Raoul Berthamieu alias Lee Sanders seems to be still in business with his company Pacific Federal SA. If you put the name in a search engine, plentiful warnings, not to do business with this company, are appearing. Who says, that crime does not pay? Saxena et al?????
Hypo-Alpe-Adria – A Bank-Scandal in Austria?
When the Regular Army goes, the Mercenaries come
A Coup for a Mountain of Wonga
British Mercenary Simon Mann's last journey?
Blair drängt auf Söldnernachschub aus Südafrika
Söldner, Gauner, Waffen und Rohstoffe
Der Wonga Coup
HARARE-MALABO - Das Ende einer Söldnerkarriere
Massenvernichtungswaffen für den Iran
Rakesh Saxena is part of a spiderweb of private armies, merchants of death, financial artists and politicians. Names that are popping up among others are Adnan Khashoggi, Tim Spicer, Rakesh Saxena, Tony Buckingham,Simon Mann, Nick du Toit, Raoul Berthaumieu (Berthamieu, alias Lee Sanders), Regis Possino, Sherman Mazur, Eeben Barlow , Lafras Luitingh, Victor Bout (Butt), Sanjivan Ruprah and the companies Executive Outcomes, Sandline and General Commerce Bank.
Meet Adnan Khashoggi
Let’s have a closer look and start with a veteran of arms and shady deals, a close friend of the bin Laden family for decades, an uncle of the late Dodi Fayed, the last partner of Diana Princess of Wales and brother-in-law of the owner of Harrod’s Supermarket in London, Al Fayed, his name: Adnan Khashoggi, once called the richest man on earth. Khashoggi’s origin is Saudi Arabia, his favourite place to live is Marbella in Spain and his favourite businesses are arms deals and the stock market, especially in Vancouver/Canada.
At present, however, he likes more the sand of the beaches of the United Arab Emirates, a better, because safer place to be, when arrest warrants and extradition requests are piling up.
He was involved in the Iran Contra-Affair in the 80s, in which the Pentagon sold weapons to Iran and the profits were used to buy weapons for a CIA sponsored group in Nicaragua, the Contra Rebels. Everything illegal of course, but an army man by the name of Oliver North was day and night putting documents into the shredder, when the scandal was about to be made public. It is good to have such trustworthy people in your house.
Khashoggi was also involved in the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), a massive washing machine for illegal money from the Medellin drug cartel, Manuel Noriega, and other drug lords. The bank was forcibly closed in 1992 after investigations by a committee of the US senate, in which Senator John Kerry featured prominently.
However Khashoggi, likeable as he is, had and has friends all over the world, so let’s forget about the BCCI-Affair and move on to Thailand, to the Bangkok Bank of Commerce. The CEO of that bank was in the 90s Krirkkiat Jalichandra. A promsing young man of Indian origin, by the name of Rakesh Saxena was introduced to him on a golf course.
A duo infernale
Saxena was wanted in India for culpable homicide, who cares, was a communist before, while studying in India, who cares and according to the slogan, who is not a communist at age 20 hasn’t got a heart, and who is still a communist age 40 hasn’t got a brain, and Saxena had brains, he forgot Marx and Engels and concentrated on fraud and corruption the big way and advised his “brother in fraud” Jalichandra accordingly both together a “duo infernale”, so to speak. Money was pumped into a labyrinth of fake companies and “small gifts” in cash and kind were handed out to politicians and friends, a non repayable loan was allegedly given to Saxena’s friend Adnan Khashoggi, amounting to only 134 million US Dollars, peanuts, so to speak.
However such big fraud, that triggered eventually the Asian Banking Crisis in 1997 cannot go on forever one time the bubble has to burst and in 1996 the scheme collapsed, however Saxena, clever as he was, left in time the sinking ship and fled to a much cooler place, Canada.
Not forgetting, allegedly to take some pocket money with him, only the laughable sum of 88 million US Dollars laughable, because the damage he and Jalichandra allegedly caused amounted to more than three billion US Dollars. Jalichandra was not so lucky, he got arrested and has been sentenced to 30 years in prison one year ago. Thailand wanted Saxena extradited, but Saxena did not want, had money enough to hire the best of the best of lawyers and he convinced the Government of Canada, a banker is a banker, that it would be cheaper to put him in self paid house arrest, than into a prison. So he is still in Canada but not resting, to the contrary. He is as busy as ever.
Rakesh Saxena and a Mercenary
First to knock on his door was Tim Spicer, the mercenary, Ex-Lieutenant Colonel, OBE, hated by the Irish because soldiers of his unit, when he was stationed in Northern Ireland, killed an innocent Irishman by the name of McBride. These soldiers were later convicted for murder. However Spicer campaigned and lied for them, so that they were early released and then reinstated in the British Army, they are now on patrol in Iraq, where killing of innocent civilians is rather a day- to- day event.
Spicer needed money, Saxena had money for his adventure in Sierra Leone.
Tony Buckinghams company Sandline, of which Spicer was the chief executive until 2000, offered their service, in exchange for diamond mining rights, to ousted President Kabbah with old apartheid soldiers of the infamous 32.Buffalo Battalion, Koevoet, 44 Parachute Brigade and the Reconnaissance Commandos. All well well known killer units, their motto: shoot to kill, and their battleground in those days were the newly independent state of Angola with the refugee camps of SWAPO and the illegally occupied Namibia as well as other neighboring countries like Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe..
The unit, named Executive Outcomes, was founded and headed by Eeben Barlow, former member of the 32.Buffalo Battalion and then of the Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB) the latter an South African apartheid death squad, which can take credit for countless extra judicial killings inside and outside South Africa including hundreds of captured SWAPO freedom fighters allegedly killed with poison, delivered by a Dr. Wouter Basson and the bodies thrown out of a plane over the Atlantic Ocean.
Saxena and the Arms to Africa Affair
Saxena offered 10 million US Dollar, he had mining interests there as well, bought with money from the Bangkok Bank of Commerce, and with Saxenas/Bangkok Bank of Commerce money Spicer bought tons of weapons in Bulgaria and elsewhere. This was the start, of what was later called the Arms to Africa Affair. Active in this scheme there were also Simon Mann and Nick du Toit, both in prison now, one in Zimbabwe, the other one in Equatorial Guinea after the failed coup attempt last year.
This military intervention was in flagrant violation of an UN arms embargo, who cares, and with the approval of the resident British High Commissioner, Penfold. When the things came out, it nearly brought down the Blair Government.
And Khashoggi and Saxena were not just watching, what was happening in Africa, they had also had serious business to do, Khashoggi in America and Saxena in Canada, before both joint forces and went to Vienna Austria.
Khashoggi, Men from Mars and Deutsche Bank
In 2001 Khashoggi, via his company Ultimate Holdings, based on the Bahamas with a complicated lending scam allegedly pumped up the stock of a Nasdaq bubble company by the name of Genesis Intermedia, in which Ultimate Holdings was the majority shareholder.
The company was built around a book by a John Gray, “Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars”.He forgot to add that arms dealers and mercenaries are from hell. Involved in that scam were Deutsche Bank in Toronto and a slew of criminal stockbrokers and after the scam collapsed in 2001, Khashoggi and his friend El Batrawi were 130 million US Dollar richer, broker houses filed for bankruptcy , the damage amounting to more than 300 million US Dollars.
Deutsche Bank has now settled out of court and has paid 350 million US Dollars, still denying any responsibility, of course.
A friend is a friend
Meanwhile Saxena in Canada was busy as well. He appointed the leading opposition MP in the Canadian Parliament, John Reynolds as board member in a flimsy company called WaveTech while fighting at the same time an extradition request from Thailand in the courts of Canada. We in Africa call that corruption. A friend, even when bought, in need is a friend indeed.
And he was involved in a scandal around a company in South Africa in 2004 , called Platinum Asset Management. PAM, that later on moved to Botswana and was exposed in August 2005 here by me and the local weekly paper "Sunday Standard".
Vienna and the Big Fraud
However shared success is doubled success, so he went to good old Europe in 2000 with his friend Khashoggi. Khashoggi in person, and him being under house arrest via the phone. They linked up with a Filipino by the name of Amador Pastrana.
Pastrana had already earned himself the reputation as being a king of the boiler rooms earning him more than a billion Dollar.
Boiler rooms are cramped small offices, from where selling of shares to unsuspecting clients is organised. They apply high pressure sales pitches on their victims. Those clients have money but no banking experience, they are neither banker nor broker The shares they sell to pensioners, and medium income earners are worthless, artificially pumped up Penny stocks and the clients never see their money again. The most effective and sophisticated fraud scheme to date.
Saxena, Khashoggi and Pastrana bought together the General Commerce Bank AG in Vienna, formerly WMP Bank and allegedly turned it into a boiler room, the fraud organised there amounts, according to press reports, to roughly one billion US Dollar.
With them the US-convicted criminals Regis Possino, Raoul Berthamieu (alias Berthaumieu, alias Lee Sanders) and Sherman Mazur.
In 2001 the Bank was closed.
.1 billion in one year.
Now Saxena can rub his hands. Not only that he is back in his self paid house arrest in a posh suburb of Vancouver, it gives him also a chance to go back into business in a country, which he called last year “full of unintelligent idiots”.
The extradition request of Thailand has expired now after 10 years. The government of Thailand was overthrown by a military coup last September, thus giving Saxena plenty of new arguments in his legal battle.
Saxena's colleagues seem to do well.
Sherman Mazur has started a company, Accu Poll Holdings, in which his children are the majority shareholders. They intend to sell polling machines to the government. A lot of shares have already been sold, via boiler rooms of course, at highly inflated prices.
Regis Possino was collecting investor's money for his company "Geneva Equities"in Asia last year, calling it a "roadshow". He netted 28 million US Dollars.
Geneva Equities was before connected to a company by the name "L-Air", supposed to fly between Canada and Belgium. However their planes never made it to the runway, only the money of the investrors flew away - forever-.
And Raoul Berthamieu alias Lee Sanders seems to be still in business with his company Pacific Federal SA. If you put the name in a search engine, plentiful warnings, not to do business with this company, are appearing. Who says, that crime does not pay? Saxena et al?????
Hypo-Alpe-Adria – A Bank-Scandal in Austria?
When the Regular Army goes, the Mercenaries come
A Coup for a Mountain of Wonga
British Mercenary Simon Mann's last journey?
Blair drängt auf Söldnernachschub aus Südafrika
Söldner, Gauner, Waffen und Rohstoffe
Der Wonga Coup
HARARE-MALABO - Das Ende einer Söldnerkarriere
Massenvernichtungswaffen für den Iran
sfux - 16. Apr, 08:05 Article 25173x read
Rakesh is at it again in thses new web sites hope you get him
Rakesh Saxena
44 Pandora Road
West Hampstead
London, N/A
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